It is crucial that all Members of Ross on Wye Angling Club make themselves familiar with the Clubs Health and Safety policies and guidance. Please take the time to read the items under Essential Information.
Club Health & Safety and Risk Assessment
Policy Statement
Ross-on-Wye Angling Club (from now on will be referred to as ROWAC) is committed to ensuring that it will do all that is reasonably practicable to prevent injury and protect property. We will have due regard for protecting all other people who come into contact with the Club’s activities.
When dealing with health and safety issues officials, members, and volunteers carrying out activities have a clear understanding of the need to operate within the context of this policy and arrangements.
Officials, members, and volunteers involved in events or work parties will take all reasonable steps to safeguard all those taking part in activities and those who may be affected by them.
Health and Safety Arrangements
Duty of Care
ROWAC requires that all people involved in organising activities, work parties, and day-to-day management consider the consequences of their acts and omissions and ensure that those acts and/or omissions do not give rise to a foreseeable risk of injury to any other person.
Angling Trust.
The Angling Trust have produced a comprehensive piece of work concerning all aspects of Safety whilst engaged in fishing which all ROWAC members should read and consider carefully. The Club put great store in the advice that we get from the Angling Trust and it only takes a few minutes of your time to read it. It can be found on the link here. Angling Trust Health and Safety guidance.